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Where to Find Dispensary Deals in Las Vegas

Writer: James CameronJames Cameron

Where to Find Dispensary Deals in Las Vegas

By now, Las Vegas, Nevada, has established itself as the weed capitol of the US – at least for the time being. With Las Vegas cannabis dispensaries being such a hot topic, we want to pass along every tip we can to help residents take advantage of everything Sin City has to offer.

DankOil is the place for Las Vegas dispensary deals

When we first started Dab Connection, we had the idea of trying to cover dispensary discounts, deals, and promotions in our blog posts. We have also tried covering events. That was an easier task back when cannabis legalization covered just a few states. But now, the majority of the US has legalized at least for medical and several now recreational as well, so we’re falling behind. It takes work to keep this kind of information updated.

So we’ll be happy to send people over to our new sister site DankOil. There, we are setting up a simple site with no hassles, with an updated list of the top dispensaries in Las Vegas. It’s all on one easy page, listing the details of each of the major cannabis dispensaries in Las Vegas and their various offerings.

This system is powered by an artificial intelligence script which we are developing (it’s very beta right now). So as we make progress in training the algorithms, we will eventually have every dispensary covered, pinging news of special promotional deals on cannabis products as they break.

Some deals are for locals only

Las Vegas is a tourist destination, so it stands to reason that dispensaries would have offers available only to tourists. Some dispensaries also offer “locals only” discounts, some offer both, and some have unconditional promotions. Some also offer discounts for special events like conventions and conferences, albeit with the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of those considerations are on hold. By the way, every dispensary also has special rules in place during the pandemic, so check with them for information on new hours, curbside pickup options, and more. Sometimes DankOil’s crawlers pick up that info to share on-site as well.

DankOil also has a tourist FAQ section, with all your questions about out-of-town cannabis use answered.

Be calmly aware that this may periodically expand, contract or combust.

This is experimental technology done in our spare time, so there’s a lot of bugs still to pick out of the system. We are also expanding the site to California, covering San Francisco and Los Angeles as well as Reno in Nevada. Eventually if we can get that thing flying, we can cover the whole US of A!

As it stands, the system is sometimes useful, but we are improving on it as we go. readers, tell us your questions or bug reports here in the comments or in our forum.

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